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Английский словарь американских идиом - ticket


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  ~1 n 1 »CINEMA/BUS/TRAIN ETC« a printed piece of paper which shows that you have paid to enter a cinema, travel on a bus, plane etc  (theatre/train/airline ticket)  (The plane ticket only cost $170.)  (- see also season ticket) 2 »DRIVING OFFENCE« a printed note ordering you to pay money because you have done something illegal while driving or parking your car  (a parking ticket) 3 »IN SHOPS« a piece of paper fastened to something in a shop that shows its price, size etc 4 »ELECTION« especially AmE a) a list of the people supported by a particular political party in an election  (He withdrew his name from the Democratic ticket.) b) the ideas that a political party supports in an election  (He fought the election on an openly racist ticket.) 5 ticket to success/fame etc especially AmE a way of getting success etc  (The part in the movie was his ticket to stardom.) 6 be just the ticket old-fashioned to be exactly what is needed  (- see also meal ticket, dream ticket) ~2 v 1 to fasten a small piece of paper onto something to show its price, size etc 2 AmE to give someone a ticket for parking their car in the wrong place 3 be ticketed for to be intended for a particular use, purpose, job etc  (These cars have been ticketed for sale abroad.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (tickets) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A ticket is a small, official piece of paper or card which shows that you have paid to enter a place such as a theatre or a sports ground, or shows that you have paid for a journey. I queued for two hours to get a ticket to see the football game... I love opera and last year I got tickets for Covent Garden... Entrance is free, but by ticket only... N-COUNT: also by N 2. A ticket is an official piece of paper which orders you to pay a fine or to appear in court because you have committed a driving or parking offence. I want to know at what point I break the speed limit and get a ticket. N-COUNT 3. A ticket for a game of chance such as a raffle or a lottery is a piece of paper with a number on it. If the number on your ticket matches the number chosen, you win a prize. She bought a lottery ticket and won more than $33 million. N-COUNT: usu n N 4. The particular ticket on which a person fights an election is the party they represent or the policies they support. (BRIT) He first ran for president on a far-left ticket... = platform N-SING: usu with supp 5. A ticket is the list of candidates who are representing a particular political party or group in an election. (AM) He plans to remain on the Republican ticket for the November election. N-COUNT: usu ADJ n 6. If you say that something is just the ticket, you mean that it is exactly what is needed. (INFORMAL) Young kids need all the energy and protein they can get and whole milk is just the ticket. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR 7. see also ticketing, big-ticket, dream ticket, meal ticket, parking ticket, season ticket ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle French etiquet, estiquette note attached to something indicating its contents, from Middle French dialect (Picard) estiquier to attach, from Middle Dutch steken to stick; akin to Old High German sticken to prick — more at stick  Date: 1529  1.  a. a document that serves as a certificate, license, or permit; especially a mariner's or airman's certificate  b. tag, label  2.  a. a certificate or token showing that a fare or admission fee has been paid  b. a means of access or passage education is the ~ to a good job  3. a list of candidates for nomination or election ; slate  4. the correct or desirable thing cooperation, that's the ~ — K. E. Trombley  5. a slip or card recording a transaction or undertaking or giving instructions a savings deposit ~  6. a summons or warning issued to a traffic-law violator  • ~less adjective  II. transitive verb  Date: 1611  1. to attach a ~ to ; label; also designate  2. to furnish or serve with a ~ ~ed for illegal parking ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a written or printed piece of paper or card entitling the holder to enter a place, participate in an event, travel by public transport, use a public amenity, etc. 2 an official notification of a traffic offence etc. (parking ticket). 3 Brit. a certificate of discharge from the army. 4 a certificate of qualification as a ship's master, pilot, etc. 5 a label attached to a thing and giving its price or other details. 6 esp. US a a list of candidates put forward by one group esp. a political party. b the principles of a party. 7 (prec. by the) colloq. what is correct or needed. --v.tr. (ticketed, ticketing) attach a ticket to. Phrases and idioms have tickets on oneself Austral. colloq. be conceited. ticket-day Brit. Stock Exch. the day before settling day, when the names of actual purchasers are handed to stockbrokers. ticket office an office or kiosk where tickets are sold for transport, entertainment, etc. ticket-of-leave man Brit. hist. a prisoner or convict who had served part of his time and was granted certain concessions, esp. leave. Derivatives ticketed adj. ticketless adj. Etymology: obs.F {eacute}tiquet f. OF estiquet(te) f. estiquier, estechier fix f. MDu. steken ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) билет 2) ярлык; этикетка; бирка 3) лицензия (на право управления транспортным средством) 4) путевой лист 5) мандат (для доступа к системе) 6) паспорт (напр. на оборудование) - cutting ticket - half-blank ticket - individual ticket - international ticket - local ticket - luggage ticket - multistop ticket - one-way ticket - party ticket - platform ticket - reduced fare ticket - round trip ticket - seasonal ticket - single-ride ticket - specimen ticket - test ticket - througn ticket - train-staff ticket - wood ticket ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  билет ярлык, этикетка; квитанция удостоверение delivery ticket ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) билет 2) билетный 3) квитанция call order ticket — талон на телефонный разговор - season ticket - ticket board - ticket paper ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) билет 2) ярлык 3) удостоверение 4) квитанция 5) объявление (о сдаче внаем) 6) амер. список кандидатов на выборах 7) предварительная регистрация биржевых операций • - air ticket - big tickets - charge ticket - circular ticket - credit ticket - debit ticket - deposit ticket - excursion ticket - floor ticket - general ticket - get one's ticket - informative ticket - inspection ticket - job ticket - move ticket - national ticket - order ticket - parking ticket - passage ticket - pawn ticket - price ticket - return ticket - season ticket - single ticket - ticket at full rate - ticket at reduced rate - time ticket - vote a ticket - work ticket Syn: card, receipt, slip, voucher ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  полит. список кандидатов (на выборах) См. тж. laundry ticket, split ticket ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. билет railroad ticket —- железнодорожный билет through ticket —- билет прямого сообщения concert ticket —- билет на концерт ticket of admittance, entrance ticket —- входной билет return ticket —- обратный билет lottery ticket —- лотерейный билет reader's ticket —- читательский билет book of tickets —- абонементная книжка (книжечка) season ticket —- сезонный билет, сезонка ticket to the exhibition —- билет на выставку ticket window —- кассовое окошко at military ticket windows —- у военных касс to buy tickets ahead of line —- покупать билеты вне очереди to take tickets for the opera —- купить билеты в оперу to take one's ticket to London (for a London train) —- купить билет до Лондона (на лондонский поезд) to order (to reserve) a ticket —- заказывать билет to work out one's ticket —- отрабатывать свой проезд на пароходе to come with a Paris ticket —- приехать из Парижа your ticket is not valid —- ваш билет недействителен they felt lucky if they landed tickets to see old movies —- они чувствовали себя счастливыми, если им перепадали билеты на старые фильмы 2. ярлык price ticket —- этикетка с ценой, ценник 3. квитанция; номерок; талон, билетик cloak-room ticket —- номерок на вешалке left-luggage ticket —- квитанция на багаж (в камеру хранения) to give smb. a ticket —- выдать кому-л. квитанцию 4. удостоверение, карточка, билет member's ticket —- членский билет ticket of leave —- досрочное...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  of leave noun досрочное освобождение заключенного TICKET collector контролер, проверяющий билеты TICKET  1. noun  1) билет; single (амер. one-way) ticket - билет в один конец  2) ярлык; price ticket - этикетка с ценой  3) объявление (о сдаче внаем)  4) удостоверение; карточка; квитанция; pawn ticket - залоговая квитанция  5) amer.; coll. повестка в суд за нарушение правил уличного движения; to get a ticket - быть оштрафованным за нарушение правил уличного движения  6) mil. to get ones ticket sl. - получить увольнение; ticket of discharge - увольнительное свидетельство  7) amer. список кандидатов какой-л. партии на выборах; straight ticket - избирательный бюллетень с именами кандидатов какой-л. одной партии; mixed/split ticket - бюллетень с кандидатами из списков разных партий; scratch ticket - бюллетень с несколькими вычеркнутыми фамилиями; to carry a ticket - провести своих кандидатов; to be ahead (behind) of ones ticket - получить наибольшее (наименьшее) количество голосов по списку своей партии  8) attr. билетный; ticket scalper/skinner amer.; coll. - спекулянт театральными билетами; ticket window amer. - касса (железнодорожного, воздушного или автобусного сообщения) the ticket - то, что надо; thats the ticket как раз то, что нужно; thats not quite the ticket не совсем то; неправильно whats the ticket? - ну,...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 1528, "short note or document," from M.Fr. etiquet "label, note," from O.Fr. estiquette "label, note," especially one affixed to a gate or wall as a public notice, from estiquer "to affix, stick," from Frank. *stikkan, cognate with O.E. stician "to pierce" (see stick). Meaning "card or piece of paper that gives its holder a right or privilege" is first recorded 1673, probably developing from the sense of "certificate, license, permit." The political sense of "list of candidates put forward by a faction" has been used in Amer.Eng. since 1711. Meaning "official notification of offense" is from 1930; parking ticket first attested 1947. Slang tick for "credit" (1642) is a shortening of ticket. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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